Juridisk informasjon
This site is the property of the company :
alpha-derma norge as,
østkilen 4 a,
1621 gressvik.
telefon +47 9701 0797
The site is designed and created by:
alpha-derma norge as, østkilen 4 a, 1621 gressvik. telefon +47 9701 0797
The site is hosted by:
alpha-derma norge as,
østkilen 4 a,
1621 gressvik.
telefon +47 9701 0797
The brands and logos on this site are brands registered by Académie Scientifique de Beauté. No licence or right of use can be attributed to any of said brands or logos on this site, which cannot be used without the owner’s prior written consent.
Reproduction of any documents published on the site is only authorized for completely private information purposes. Any other use of these recareions and in particular use for commercial purposes is expressly forbidden, except with previous written agreement of Académie Scientifique de Beauté.
Académie Scientifique de Beauté reserves the right to prosecute any act of counterfeit of these intellectual property rights, including prosecution.
Pictures - Illustrations
The photos and texts reproduced and illustrating the products presented are not contractual. The Académie Scientifique de Beauté's company guarantees the quality of the products as well as their essential characteristics. But, it is not responsible for the minor difference that might exist between the photograph of the product intended to increase the information of its clientele and its true aspect.
All the information accessible on this site is provided as is. Académie Scientifique de Beauté gives no guarantee, explicit or implicit, and assumes no responsibility that could result from the access or use of this site including all deteriorations or viruses that could infect the computer equipment or any other user property.
Académie Scientifique de Beauté is not responsible for correctness, errors or omissions on the site. Photos of Académie Scientifique de Beauté products given on the site are not contractual. No guarantee is given as to the correctness, precision or exhaustive nature of the information made available on this Internet site. The user alone is responsible for the use of such information.
Académie Scientifique de Beauté cannot be held responsible for any damage, either direct or indirect, regardless of the causes, origins, natures or consequences, caused by any person’s access to the site or inability to access the site, as well as use of the site and/or credit accorded to any information coming directly or indirectly from it.
Additionally, no physical or actual person is allowed to put a hypertext link directing towards this Académie Scientifique de Beauté site without the express, previous authorisation of Académie Scientifique de Beauté.
Freedom of Information
In conformance with the “Freedom of Information” laws 78-17 dated January 6th, 1978 and No. 2004-801 dated August 6th, 2004, any person having left their contact or other defining information on the site has the right to access, rectify, add to or remove defining data concerning him/her at the following address:
Académie Scientifique de Beauté,
Christophe THERME, Directeur Général.
157-189, rue Léon-Jouhaux - CS 70502 – 78507 Sartrouville – France
Académie Scientifique de Beauté reserves the right to modify, terminate, suspend or interrupt at any time, for any reason and at its sole discretion, access to all or any part of the site, and cannot be held responsible for any consequences of these changes.